Make A Move, Make A Deal And Make A Fortune To Win It All. Put Your Token On The Go Space And Roll The Dice To Own It All In The Fast-Paced World Of Real Estate.

After An Online Vote, Fans Around The Globe Decided The Cat Would Be The Purr-Fect Addition To The Monopoly Game. The Classic, Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game Welcomes The Cat Into Its Family Of Tokens. To appease purists, Hasbro points out that these rules are, of course, entirely optional.MONOPOLY GAME ORIGINAL MONOPOLY BOARD GAME INCLUDING THE NEW CAT TOKEN!!! ABSOLUTELY AWESOME A1+++++ BRAND NEW!!!Monopoly Is The World's Favorite Family Brand. The House Rules Edition includes the five most popular of those made-up rules, which include doubling the amount collected for passing “Go,” collecting an additional $500 for rolling “snake eyes,” and not collecting rent while in jail. This spring, Hasbro adopted a grassroots approach to improving the game by polling players on their “house rules,” acknowledging their findings that half of all Monopoly players have made up their own rules and 68% have never read the official rules all the way through.

Weimar-style hyperinflation has set in–for passing Go, you collect $2 million–but Times Square is a bargain at $4 mil, and while it’s a refreshing admission that, yes, you can buy the White House, it cost the present occupant far more than $3.2 million. … include real estate from around the country, selected by online vote.