Convert ps2 iso to ps4 pkg
Convert ps2 iso to ps4 pkg

Decrypt VME memory card to non encrypted VMC file.Allow you to decrypt official PS2 Classic game (require klicensee), and decrypt files made by ps2classic GUI.Also in this mode you can encrypt VMC file to VME accepted by PS2 classics, but you don't have to do this for empty card, app do this while create pkg.In this mode app automatically ask that you want to add LIMG sector to image, but you can do this also by ADD LIMG button.Allow you to select ISO or BIN/CUE PS2 game image, and encrypt it to file acceptable by PS3.The tool allows to decrypt PS2 Classics for PS3 and encrypt any PS2 to play on PS3 (fat/slim/superslim).

convert ps2 iso to ps4 pkg convert ps2 iso to ps4 pkg

PS2Classic GUI is a front-end for the recently released PS2Classic tool developed by psdev-net team.

Convert ps2 iso to ps4 pkg